Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Truth & Myths of Tekong!!!

1) If u hav went thru BMT in Tekong, U must at least hav experienced the infamous ''Tekong Cough'' once. If u dun, it means u havent been thru bmt at all or u're inhuman.
2) If u decide to bring a pet to Tekong eg a dog...pls take care of it and dun let it loose otherwise ''some ppl'' decide to call the pestbusters mistaking it for a stray. Worse still, ''some ppl'' might mistreat the poor dog n did all ''sorts of mischief'' to get rid of it.
3) Helicopters are not to be cheered when u see one.....its no NDP
4) Tonners n rovers are ur best form of transport in Tekong. The same could not be said of their drivers.
5) Ghosts are a figment of ur imagination but ur commanders howling, screaming and cursing at night are not. In fact, they are a sign of YOU!
6) Deepavali is known as festival of light and can be celebrated anywhere but the field camp site.
7) Everyone will automatically cheer when CAT 1 is played on the speakers but jeer when Normal weather is played especially right before PT. (only army guys will get tis one)
8) Vulgarities are to be tolerated.
9) A trip to the medical centre is to be done wif caution. There's the long waiting time n the ''effective'' medication plus the hot-tempered medics n the overly-stressed Medical officers.
10) Being a ''Picasso'' dun help when u brushing ur rifle wif oil. Trust me.
11) Unless u're a Rocky hill sucka, get used to showering in the open.
12) When it comes to food, there's suddenly a lot of ''muslims''. When it comes to prayer time, the numbers significantly decreased.
13) The lift is there for a reason.....not so tt u can ride tt sgts can inspect u every time they feel like it.
14) Stand by n all other commands wif standby means ur ass is in trbl if u dun clean up.
15) Pick up a crash course on malay so tt u dun turn to the wrong directions n embarassed urself durin marching n erm POP.
16) FHM n Maxim are the top reader's item followed by erm TODAY newspaper & the STATUS slip from the M.O
17) OC nite is always the time when mockery is the sincere form of flattery n u'll escape wif it.
18) Be prepared for fire drills at all time. So if u suay kena during showering, grab ur towel n ur fire drill items n be prepared to be called ''Rambo'' for the rest of ur BMT life so much so that it became ur real name......(wink!)
19) Tekong Ladang camp hav the best free view of the S'pore Airshow consisting of commercial flights n rescue choppers.
20) Jerrycans n camrolls are ''fancy'' names for containers that store potable water. Who the f*ck came up wif these names?!!
well tts mostly the truth n yths for Tekong life....If u got any more go comment on it.....till then bye!!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
After 9wks n a few days of silence, MMM is ready to share his BMT experience!!!

To my dear readers (if any at all), I apologise for deliberately not updating my BMT journey during these 9 weeks & the reason is I'm too shag until cannot think. Btw, if I were too update my blog during the course of my bmt, it might get too ''overblog'' as I'm too overcome wif emotions but dun worry tis blog i will share wif u wat could be shared of my bmt from enlistment to POP!!
Firstly, lets talk abt the tranquil Tekong resort......NOT!! Those old farts might compare our bunks to resort comparing tt durin their time facilities were like crap. However, believe me, its anything but resort. Sure facilities r gd n u get to ride a ''5 star ferry'' when u book in n get catered food, but those are the ONLY benefits.
Enlistment Day- ''Fellow enlistees say farewell to ur loved ones''
That was a time of fear n all sorts. I summed it up in easy simple words that it was frightening. Looking at all the blur like sotong faces. Sgts n the upper ranks lookin ready to pounced u as soon as ur parents r gone. It got tis orphange/prison style look. The faces n emotions seem like wat do we do wrg to deserve tis or for others wat the fuck am I doing here. After tt all the zzz boring admin stuff.....tis duffel bag which i think can fit one healthy 10yr old boy inside n ur best fren, the field pack..
The People I met that made up the Coy!
I was enlisted into a company that has a name of an animal known for its endurance n speed. Like wow, I'm so screwed my 2.4km timing is anything but tt (actualli hor it gotten worse) . Well interesting stuff r the ppl in my platoon. We got a Platoon Sgt who was an ex-pageant representative who is co-currently retaking his A levels whom also has Psycho-motor prblms when it comes to marching. Like wow! There tis blur-like-cock sgt who gives monotonous n soft commands who appears expressionless n got the detail ''almost'' lost durin SITest (i'll tell u later wat tis thingy is). Then there is the PC or platoon Commander who hails from an elite JC, wif an interesting vocabulary n phrases when it comes to fuckin u inside out tt ppl loves to imitate n is a hard clubber whom also represents the national team in water polo...woW!! However the most interesting ppl, r the fellow platoon n section protect their identity I give them ''codenames''
the slacker- Rather easy going guy who eats everyone's food n call those who fallout n take MC's as pussy....rather layback most of the time...but is a top student in a jc....will do his own OTOT workout in the bunk wif a towel as a mat.
the PSP gang- A group of 2 or 3 guys who challenged each other in games from PSP which they actualli bought together. Actualli other from compulsory PT n trainings, PSP-ing is wat they did most of the time.....or rather all the time
the down-PES dude- A unique individual who is trying his best to down PES becoz of an alleged ''medical condition'' despite getting gold for IPPT n havin a great fitness. So far his attempts hav been useless, last seen gettin an injection by the M.O for no apparent reason other than allerged ''giddyness'. His nxt gold is to down PES after BSLC at SISPEC.....may he finally succeed.
the very unhygenic n panicky medicine dude- Tis is an extremely intelligent individual who got into medicine...amazing. Problem is he was always in dilemma. Dilemma over which courses to reject ( he got accepted in his 3 courses)....dilemma over which scholarships he'll be gettin ( he apply for tons)....n whether he gets to defer to study medicine. Other than that, tis future doctor has a thing wif hygiene, as in not washing his clothes for 2 wks etc.....I pity his ''patients'' ....
the Dynamic Duo- the 2 most On n enthu ppl u ever meet. The typical OCS material...easily said the leadership type ready to take charge at a moments notice. U get my picture ryte? need I say more.
the failure buddies- the grp of guys who like to make fun of other ppl for chao keng. They are the loudest mouth grp of ppl coz they had to shut their own flaw which is failing IPPT. hmmm.....something tells me I'll see more of em in the very near future.
the Mambo Party Section- The entire section (our neighbours) ....who had celebrated POP since last may....every nite admin time is mambo nite....sing-a-long ala ''karoke'' session complete wif speakers filling oldie chinese songs to modern dance songs complete wif arrays of instant noodles n crisps n biscuits. Yes , was party every admin time for these ppl!
the Pranksters- A combination of few guys from 2 sections who teamed up to ganged up on another guy who becomes the victim. A tiring but worthwhile effort after lights out. Out of 3 attempts only one was successful. Nonetheless, the planning took the whole day (inclusive of training time)
the Rubik's Cube followers- A combination of erm 3 men who endlessly took their time to solve the cube using the best possible method n in the shortest time possible. Sounds nerdy but rubik's cube is actualli a pop icon here in the bunks...erm....somehow.
the weird dudes- The quiet ones who keep to themselves n do weird stuffs like closing their cupboard n putting emselves inside it like a vampire in a coffin n digging their nose n later licking it....urgh....enuff said.
the kong clubber who claimed to hav a long ''banana''- Yes the show-off dude who ia a fitness fanatic...big biceps....uncountable number of pull ups n in different positions n even proclaimed to hav a long ''banana''. There is no way to be certain for sure that the ''banana'' one is for real.....mebbe his future girlfriend n the girls he hooked up can confirmed
There u hav it with very colourful n interesting ppl in my platoon no wonder life doesn't quite sucks during bmt.
The Training - We are from *''shagooar" coy....*''shagooar'' coy!....(names hav been change to prevent complications to the writer)
I'll make this one short n sweet since most ppl heard it a million times so I wont be so direct.
Morning warm ups - actualli just some exercises n a simple ''run'' ....can sometimes appear to be more than warm up n u do it early in the morning to ''earn'' ur breakfast.
IPPT- like NAPFA minus sit n reach ....easy said
The long walks- actualli a progressive ''walk'' session wif ur field pack, ur rifle ur SBO to form the FBO.....n the distance range until the maximum 24km. Dun worry, singing n karaoke sessions provided!
Meet n greet the Field sessions- Talkin bout ''grassroots'' organisation...U get a 6 day contact wifthe wilderness n enjoy learning ''colourful'' phrases that are meant to pump adrenaline in ur blood. Also comes wif a complete ''farmer course on digging'' while relieving a real life "counterstrike game''. Warning: Hugging of ur ''wife'' is a must.....n ''Deepavali'' must be celebrated elsewhere.
Sitting sessions wif the veterans- An exclusive opportunity to mingle wif other ppl in ur coy into small details. Meet wise veterans in a ''games of tasks n missions''. 3 days in the wilderness n fun n laughter....!!
The playground- yes there's a playground in BMT. It's just that tis playground has a wall u need to climb...some that u need to balance....wif wires.....n most requires u to leap off it.....dun worry there's still the usual sand n the normal ramps..Oh yeah n u can just go n play it wif ur uniform n ur 'wife' too. Truly a ''family'' experience.
Arcade time- U play time crisis before tis shld be a piece of cake....ahem. No need explaining just tt tis time is FOR real...DAMN real.
Mixed martial arts- well not exactly....but treat it like one...
Other PT stuff not worthy to mention....
So yea, tts kinda sum wat I went thru. They're not easy though i described as if they r. What do u expect...I dun wanna scare future enlistees. But dun worry our efficient n trusted medics are always on standby. The medical stuff at the medical centre are also fast n very polite n understanding to ur needs. U guys agree wif me ryte?? hey wats tt spit on my blog for?? oh u're having a cough Its alrite then, the medic can help u!! another spit??!!! wtf!!!
POP - the ''PASSED'' Out parade
Some funny dudes in my coy said tt it was appropriately called Passing out parade coz a number of guys will passed out during the speech segment. Lucky no one does at least for my company tt is. Doing the drills n the roar n the ''gay'' hugging stuff was memorable. Too bad not much time to take pics coz the ''Penguin'' was sailing off to '"north pole''. However the preparations itself for tt day is super duper tough....go figure!!
So basically tts wat i went thru 9 wks in brief w/o mentioning the details or if I left out anywhere.......just let me noe.....but tt shld be it....for now!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
An NS pre-enlistment expectation
Please don't play truant in NS, its not a laughing matter(truant=chao keng)
National service is an important aspect in a life of a male in Singapore. It has to do with the need to defend our beloved nation. Fortunately for me, I am in this path to manhood next week 10 April, where I will embarked on a journey of a lifetime to Tekong. In 9 weeks, I will live and sleep with a group of virtual unknown guys and work together as a platoon as a company. Each week with a task to complete. I expect the tasks to be mentally and physically challenging which is why for months now I have pushed myself to the limit. I dare not say whether I am aiming for OCS, SISPEC or any other unit after that. Irregardless whatever that unit is, it has to indeed have serve some purpose for our country's defence. It doesn't to me where I posted to, I will cherish the every moments in NS and live live to the fullest. Together, we strive our way to the Tekong environment. Dare not to give up. Prepare from the intense discipline regimes in military life. After all, we boys are turning to man. We need this Tekong environment so we can endure all type of hardships because we boys at home are too pampered by satisfying living conditions and have become soft. So its time and I reckoned the wonderful and amazing lush pastures of Tekong will educate us on that. It doesn't matter what those before us have complained, I shall stay positive and endure it no matter the outcome, no matter the stress, no matter the challenges because we are survivors!! Lets all welcome army life with open arms and rejoice being part of S'pore defence force. Something girls will never understand which is why I encouraged girls to be part of NS. I'll reckoned it'll be made compulsory for girls one day in the near future, with the declining birth rates. Tekong is really a paradise where one will be fit as a fiddle after a long hard day in the jungle or training. I am so looking forward to enlistment, I really hope they pushed me beyond limits with my current high optimism level.
Writer's Comment
This post above is sincere and straight from my heart. I am very patriotic and I love S'pore with all my emotions expressing it. I don't think its appropriate to think NS is a waste of time and a torture. It is important to change these ridiculous mindset. NS is necessary. Without NS, S'pore is defenceless. I also seriously can't stand people playing truant in NS, the matter of NS training is serious and should not be messed with. NS is life, its a bonding, its an experience, its everything good to be summed up in all. I salute our nation for coming up with this innovation of NS. I am so excited and very enthusiastic with it that it comes up in my dream every night. I love NS.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Why do people DYED their hair? I just dun get it

I have to first apologise for not updating tis blog for a week n my only loyal fan Darkdreamer. A lot of things on my mind dude, u shld noe tt. After a brief hiatus, I will blog on something that has bugged me for some time and its time to get this off my chest once and for all. I will never and I say never understand why people DYED their freakin u guys think u guys look cool wif those goddamn highlights....bunch of fakie. At least if u tell me u do rebonding, maybe make some sense lah or mebbe u go to Yun Nam for hair treatment coz u're balding but when it comes to hair colour I seriously dun get it.
Clash of the blondes, brunettes and the in betweens
Now let me tell u, I dun find ppl highlighting their hair to be cool. You look like trying to change something u're not. If u look like crap in ur natural black hair, then u are crap...hands down...yeah....u dyed ur hair u still look crap....mebbe now u look like those cheap hookers n those potential low-lifes in society. However, hair dying dun onli affects the ''lower class'', I see C.E.Os, executives, top sch students (durin their hols), undergraduates n proffesionals dying their hair. Its a pity that these supposedly ''higher IQs'' ppl are so stupid to waste some of their ''lucrative'' income to dye their hair where it onli makes em look dumber than they realli are or is it they r alreadi dumb but the education system makes em as if ''smarter''. U reader outta there will tell me ''eh subjective mah they got money can do wat they want...its their right blablabla''. To you, ''Rights? dun speak to me bout rights when half of ur time is spent on gossips n bunch of mindless rants''. The older days ppl who dye their hair are those fools on tv n those grey hair has-beens who cannot accept the cruel fact tt they are old. Nowadays, its so TRENDY to dye their hair. ''Hey look mann, I hav red hair'' '' my hair is bleached blonde ....yea I'm in hollywood'' Pls lah, if u're born S'porean, U're always gonna be one, bunch of wannabe bitches!!
Amzingly the popular choices for most ppl r to get highlights wif shades of blonde to look ''americanised''. The mindset here is whether u're blessed wif degrees or fail PSLE 7 times it dun matter, the hair colour will make u IN crowd. Like anyone gives a shit abt who's in. We are realli influenced by the media big time....they do shit, u idiots follow. Pop idols ah, dunno wat nonsense, actors n actresses ah all follow.....waste of money rubbish. Amazingly while ppl here some try to look ''Americanised'' n some more ''Jap/Korean like'' , the westerners r trying to remove their ''blonde'' look, they r trying to dyes their hair black....n make em look less ''dumb blonde like''. Just look at Hollywood n recall the celebs tt dye their hair black. What is wrong wif wat u are born at?? Go Blame ur parents n mebbe blame god.....All this nonsense makes the world look like nothing is original no more. Hair changed colour, body parts go plastic surgery, talk wif fake accent, wow I salute to u people who do such thing u noe go organ transplant...boohoo.....actualli all u people have one problem n tt is self-confidence!! Those who r fat to embarrassed, too skin too scared, too tall scared got height constraints, too short also not happy......GET A FREAKIN LIFE N STOP WHINING ALREADY.....n changing it drastically WILL NOT HELP. Cant we all just follow the system wif wat u r given n WORK wif it??? ARRGH!!! Ironically, people can never get satisfied wif their ownself but nobody's complaining when it comes to ''living in an environment where the producer of the field r selling their every harvest n it all goes to the market n the farmers themselves get nothing but tiredness n no profits''....Go figure. Back to topic, in simple and easy words that my fellow slow readers can understand, go and check ur purpose for dying hair, personally I find people who dyed their hair absolutely pathetic n lacking in big time ''common sense'' n self-esteem no matter how successful they are in real life. NO, I DON'T HATE SUCH PPL, hell, I have close buddies n even family members who dyed their hair but its just a waste of money n pride, n u get nothing but a snigger from me. Mebbe these ppl enjoy playing wif their hair...god noes....watever is it I hope u guys will come to ur senses one day when after ''playing wif ur hair'' for a while, u'll notice tt u dun get ur original black hair n instead, ''clumps'' of greyish repulsive disgusting grey hair when u hav yet to be under ''senior-citizen' 'category. When tt day comes, u will shout n slap urself like mad n probably also suffer from balding, wondering why in the hell did u do tis to urself. After tt all those hair therapy to Yun Nam, David Gan will be useless. Its not the end of the world though, so dun commit suicide, just tt I will personally laugh at u in ur face, yes I'm tt DAMN bad coz u obviously havent listen to my ''valuable'' advice. So U still wanna dye ur hair??
Writer's Comment
From tis post onwards, I'll put a writer's comment for clarification on why I post tis things t I post. Not that it'll matters and no, tis is not an apology corner from me ah. I'll continue to comment unless the post above is alreadi clear enough for ur thick skull. Fellow readers will think from reading above ''What in the hell is ur prblm MMM??''. My problem is I like to provoke the common everyday ppl I see in the streets as long as its appropriate according to the LAW. I will not provoke anything with race or religion. Only stuffs in general that I'm irritated wif n it happens today is about hair colour. Pls not skin dun try stir controversy ah. I am very politically correct.Tis post came up when someone I noe wants to DYE his hair so ''badly'' that he pisses me off n bugged me and I dedicate tis post to tt fellow. Anyways, I'm not such a goody-two-shoes myself but at least I don't do things that has no benefits. I seriously dun find hair dye-ing to be an attractive thing....I mean I dunno bout wat goes on in ur mind....but I guess I'm either the smartest human alive which is obviously not or either the ppl around us is so caught up wif their ambitions tt they have become dumber when it comes to their appearance. I think its the latter. Not satisfied, complain as usual at the comment ( on the button written comment n comment lor...anyone can comment....ppl nowadays so dumb....simple things must teach...difficult things they noe Btw I think, I have a lot more readers, why is it only darkdreamer is commenting.....typical of u ppl.....everything keep inside ur hard....coz u CANT change it.....or u can do is change ur freakin hair colour...just too DAMN DAMN DAMN bad!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Cliques...Why u need them n why they need u!!! Or does it matter??

As much as u think u need cliques, the question is do they need u?? well no...Cliques exists in companies to keep trusted secrets n if u're not in means u're not important or u are a threat. In friendship, u're not in a clique simply means u're not introduced or u dun show an interest tt ppl can relate u wif. Simply to put it, u're boring. Nobody thinks u're worth anything. So what u wanna do...try to be nice wif ppl, put up an act, try to be someone u're not. HELL NO! Its not a matter u cant fight em, join em, its plastic, its fake n its probably not gonna last long. My suggestion go form YOUR own clique.....why be the follower if u can hold tt leadership key to decide who is in n who is out sort of the captain of the school team liddat. Be outspoken...tell ppl wat u wanna say n dun hide it. u not happy just say it...u got opinions let ppl hear it. It is no use keeping everything to ur heart only to get stressed up wif no outlet to let off. The bully in front of u insults u, u go n beat him up!
Actualli people outta there, u dun realli need to hav cliques, wat u need are aquaintances, ppl who will be there to support u. There is no thrill in having cliques if it doesn't hav a purpose. Admit it, u need cliques for entertainment....n if u're the leader u feel a sense of loyalty. Wat u realli one is for ppl to be rallying behind u all the time.In politics, we call em dictators but dictatorship are all about cliques. So my question to u fellow bloggers n readers, if u think for one freaking second tt havin clique is impt n tt u must belong somewhere n dun bother forming one well how about try breaking up the clique. Yes FIGHT it. Abolished it but u likely to find urself forming one. People form cliques simply to establish their own ''rule'' n to hav a ''safety net''. Human beings no longer depend on society n community like in the past. We, being smart, try to devise unique ways to secure ourselves n cliques r like tt safety net. You BEAT uo someone....cursed others....n create enemies to satisfy ourselves as being superior than the rest but at then end of the day wat YOU WANT is to be able to be RESPECTED n SUPPORTED by a grp of ppl whom NOMATTER if YOU ARE IN THE WRONG will still say YOU'RE CORRECT....NOT YOUR FAULT....etc etc. SO create enemies but make sure u hav these ''cliques'' to go back to....otherwise u are indeed a loner n hav no one to talk to but the walls of ur pathetic home, the chirping pigeons n mebbe urself to be content wif. Cliques ARE & always WILL be the best insurance tt money cant buy. Go ahead readers...go comment & complain ....dun worry I've got my cliquesssss. Yes, I have more than one......I need to be EXTRA insured.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Outwit, Outlast, Outplay, tis is SURVIVOR IN REAL LIFE!!!

Well so much for the long intro, tis special post is dedicated to those of u career-hungry ppl whom cant seem to satisfy urselves. As amazing as it sounds, I'm a fan of survivor becoz tis show apparently broadcast backstabbing n manuplation to elimiate a fellow contestant so tt u are one step closer to the million dollars. Apparently though, it doesn't take for u to be stranded on an island wif virtual unknown ppl for tis thing to happen. It happens in the corporate world as well. So welcome to life. Survivor should be played anywhere possible not just on an island, it could be expanded to include an institution, some law firm, bank firms, oil industry...n wth even in a supermarket, my fren darkdreamer tis post is for u!!
The obsession to be the ''sole-survivor'' is very tempting indeed. So much tt they do watever they can to reach it. You noe something there are two ways in life, the easy way or the hard way to reach the goal. The easy way involving ''kissin ur bosses/teachers ass'' if u noe wat I mean or in another way becoming the favourite ''loyal'' employee or the teacher's pet. Its a sure-fire way to promotion but u gonna earn the irate of ur fellow colleagues coz u ''saboh-ed'' em n report their faults no matter how minor it may be. Also u become a two-faced lying individual as u pretend to be nice to earn ur keep while back-stabbing them whenever possible. Well, I dun personally morally approve the easy way but the hell wif morals if there's wealth n career at stake, u throw all that out of the window as well as family n friends ryte?? Dun lie....I can see tt smirl on ur face!! And tts why Darkdreamer ur fellow senior-citizen-like colleague behaves tt way.
So wat is the hard way, u ask me? Well, the hard way would be to stand up to ur boss when u're not happy wif working conditions n the measely pay. U're probably gonna lose ur job n get demoted but in ur mind as long as u had spoken on the behalf of the backbone of the company which is ur fellow colleagues, u had done the right thing. Anything u wanna disagree wif the bosses' opinion, u're not afraid to speak out. Even if u don't do the above, well u at least tried to be sincerely nice n be cooperative wif ur colleagues n not bother having negative thoughts n assume tt they are ''nice'' ppl. Everyday, u do the extra overtime wif no additional pay n u dint complain (i noe tis is paradox to the above, but tis is also considered the hard way!!) so u work ur asses of for tt pathetic few thousands of dollars of boring admin/blu-collar like job for wat?? Passion?? experience?? to kill time?? Dun bluff urselves...ur boss ain't gonna promote u by being deligent n hardworking n obedient...the boss could give a damn abt u....anytime he feels like firing u u go sunshine!! Off course he cites ''financial reasons'' n hire tt cheap "foreign-talent'' to replace u with. At the end of the day, you wonder why the company doesn't appreciate u....well becoz u dint play the game of office politics...U were simply being too ''nice'' n tt just doesn't cut it in the corporate world.
So wat is my advice? Simple...Roll over n fetch...nope tts not it.....Outwit,outlast n outplay! Bosses nowadays love employers who stand up to em n not just follow their every direction and ideas. Just ask Donald Trump. Afterall, we need out-of-the-box type of individuals tt will risk it all. Manuplation, diabolical n scheming proffesionals are those tt will do anything for themselves...its sort of a value-added thingy tt employers are seeking out. So brace urself...n convert urself to one. U may get hated in the process but most wealthy rich dudes outta there are usually hated anyways so u're not alone. Cheers!!