As much as u think u need cliques, the question is do they need u?? well no...Cliques exists in companies to keep trusted secrets n if u're not in means u're not important or u are a threat. In friendship, u're not in a clique simply means u're not introduced or u dun show an interest tt ppl can relate u wif. Simply to put it, u're boring. Nobody thinks u're worth anything. So what u wanna do...try to be nice wif ppl, put up an act, try to be someone u're not. HELL NO! Its not a matter u cant fight em, join em, its plastic, its fake n its probably not gonna last long. My suggestion go form YOUR own clique.....why be the follower if u can hold tt leadership key to decide who is in n who is out sort of the captain of the school team liddat. Be outspoken...tell ppl wat u wanna say n dun hide it. u not happy just say it...u got opinions let ppl hear it. It is no use keeping everything to ur heart only to get stressed up wif no outlet to let off. The bully in front of u insults u, u go n beat him up!
Actualli people outta there, u dun realli need to hav cliques, wat u need are aquaintances, ppl who will be there to support u. There is no thrill in having cliques if it doesn't hav a purpose. Admit it, u need cliques for entertainment....n if u're the leader u feel a sense of loyalty. Wat u realli one is for ppl to be rallying behind u all the time.In politics, we call em dictators but dictatorship are all about cliques. So my question to u fellow bloggers n readers, if u think for one freaking second tt havin clique is impt n tt u must belong somewhere n dun bother forming one well how about try breaking up the clique. Yes FIGHT it. Abolished it but u likely to find urself forming one. People form cliques simply to establish their own ''rule'' n to hav a ''safety net''. Human beings no longer depend on society n community like in the past. We, being smart, try to devise unique ways to secure ourselves n cliques r like tt safety net. You BEAT uo someone....cursed others....n create enemies to satisfy ourselves as being superior than the rest but at then end of the day wat YOU WANT is to be able to be RESPECTED n SUPPORTED by a grp of ppl whom NOMATTER if YOU ARE IN THE WRONG will still say YOU'RE CORRECT....NOT YOUR FAULT....etc etc. SO create enemies but make sure u hav these ''cliques'' to go back to....otherwise u are indeed a loner n hav no one to talk to but the walls of ur pathetic home, the chirping pigeons n mebbe urself to be content wif. Cliques ARE & always WILL be the best insurance tt money cant buy. Go ahead readers...go comment & complain ....dun worry I've got my cliquesssss. Yes, I have more than one......I need to be EXTRA insured.