Friday, April 4, 2008

An NS pre-enlistment expectation

Warning: Due to the seriousness tone of this issue, there will be no fooling around and provoking session with this post. It will be conducted in a formal, politically correct manner and in good conversational English. This will be the case for certain important posts from now on. I see this posts as important as it has to do with a transition phase from boy to man in order to protect our beloved nation, Singapore. This post is therefore rated G for general...get it?

Please don't play truant in NS, its not a laughing matter(truant=chao keng)

National service is an important aspect in a life of a male in Singapore. It has to do with the need to defend our beloved nation. Fortunately for me, I am in this path to manhood next week 10 April, where I will embarked on a journey of a lifetime to Tekong. In 9 weeks, I will live and sleep with a group of virtual unknown guys and work together as a platoon as a company. Each week with a task to complete. I expect the tasks to be mentally and physically challenging which is why for months now I have pushed myself to the limit. I dare not say whether I am aiming for OCS, SISPEC or any other unit after that. Irregardless whatever that unit is, it has to indeed have serve some purpose for our country's defence. It doesn't to me where I posted to, I will cherish the every moments in NS and live live to the fullest. Together, we strive our way to the Tekong environment. Dare not to give up. Prepare from the intense discipline regimes in military life. After all, we boys are turning to man. We need this Tekong environment so we can endure all type of hardships because we boys at home are too pampered by satisfying living conditions and have become soft. So its time and I reckoned the wonderful and amazing lush pastures of Tekong will educate us on that. It doesn't matter what those before us have complained, I shall stay positive and endure it no matter the outcome, no matter the stress, no matter the challenges because we are survivors!! Lets all welcome army life with open arms and rejoice being part of S'pore defence force. Something girls will never understand which is why I encouraged girls to be part of NS. I'll reckoned it'll be made compulsory for girls one day in the near future, with the declining birth rates. Tekong is really a paradise where one will be fit as a fiddle after a long hard day in the jungle or training. I am so looking forward to enlistment, I really hope they pushed me beyond limits with my current high optimism level.

Writer's Comment

This post above is sincere and straight from my heart. I am very patriotic and I love S'pore with all my emotions expressing it. I don't think its appropriate to think NS is a waste of time and a torture. It is important to change these ridiculous mindset. NS is necessary. Without NS, S'pore is defenceless. I also seriously can't stand people playing truant in NS, the matter of NS training is serious and should not be messed with. NS is life, its a bonding, its an experience, its everything good to be summed up in all. I salute our nation for coming up with this innovation of NS. I am so excited and very enthusiastic with it that it comes up in my dream every night. I love NS.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Why do people DYED their hair? I just dun get it

I have to first apologise for not updating tis blog for a week n my only loyal fan Darkdreamer. A lot of things on my mind dude, u shld noe tt. After a brief hiatus, I will blog on something that has bugged me for some time and its time to get this off my chest once and for all. I will never and I say never understand why people DYED their freakin u guys think u guys look cool wif those goddamn highlights....bunch of fakie. At least if u tell me u do rebonding, maybe make some sense lah or mebbe u go to Yun Nam for hair treatment coz u're balding but when it comes to hair colour I seriously dun get it.

Clash of the blondes, brunettes and the in betweens

Now let me tell u, I dun find ppl highlighting their hair to be cool. You look like trying to change something u're not. If u look like crap in ur natural black hair, then u are crap...hands down...yeah....u dyed ur hair u still look crap....mebbe now u look like those cheap hookers n those potential low-lifes in society. However, hair dying dun onli affects the ''lower class'', I see C.E.Os, executives, top sch students (durin their hols), undergraduates n proffesionals dying their hair. Its a pity that these supposedly ''higher IQs'' ppl are so stupid to waste some of their ''lucrative'' income to dye their hair where it onli makes em look dumber than they realli are or is it they r alreadi dumb but the education system makes em as if ''smarter''. U reader outta there will tell me ''eh subjective mah they got money can do wat they want...its their right blablabla''. To you, ''Rights? dun speak to me bout rights when half of ur time is spent on gossips n bunch of mindless rants''. The older days ppl who dye their hair are those fools on tv n those grey hair has-beens who cannot accept the cruel fact tt they are old. Nowadays, its so TRENDY to dye their hair. ''Hey look mann, I hav red hair'' '' my hair is bleached blonde ....yea I'm in hollywood'' Pls lah, if u're born S'porean, U're always gonna be one, bunch of wannabe bitches!!

Amzingly the popular choices for most ppl r to get highlights wif shades of blonde to look ''americanised''. The mindset here is whether u're blessed wif degrees or fail PSLE 7 times it dun matter, the hair colour will make u IN crowd. Like anyone gives a shit abt who's in. We are realli influenced by the media big time....they do shit, u idiots follow. Pop idols ah, dunno wat nonsense, actors n actresses ah all follow.....waste of money rubbish. Amazingly while ppl here some try to look ''Americanised'' n some more ''Jap/Korean like'' , the westerners r trying to remove their ''blonde'' look, they r trying to dyes their hair black....n make em look less ''dumb blonde like''. Just look at Hollywood n recall the celebs tt dye their hair black. What is wrong wif wat u are born at?? Go Blame ur parents n mebbe blame god.....All this nonsense makes the world look like nothing is original no more. Hair changed colour, body parts go plastic surgery, talk wif fake accent, wow I salute to u people who do such thing u noe go organ transplant...boohoo.....actualli all u people have one problem n tt is self-confidence!! Those who r fat to embarrassed, too skin too scared, too tall scared got height constraints, too short also not happy......GET A FREAKIN LIFE N STOP WHINING ALREADY.....n changing it drastically WILL NOT HELP. Cant we all just follow the system wif wat u r given n WORK wif it??? ARRGH!!! Ironically, people can never get satisfied wif their ownself but nobody's complaining when it comes to ''living in an environment where the producer of the field r selling their every harvest n it all goes to the market n the farmers themselves get nothing but tiredness n no profits''....Go figure. Back to topic, in simple and easy words that my fellow slow readers can understand, go and check ur purpose for dying hair, personally I find people who dyed their hair absolutely pathetic n lacking in big time ''common sense'' n self-esteem no matter how successful they are in real life. NO, I DON'T HATE SUCH PPL, hell, I have close buddies n even family members who dyed their hair but its just a waste of money n pride, n u get nothing but a snigger from me. Mebbe these ppl enjoy playing wif their hair...god noes....watever is it I hope u guys will come to ur senses one day when after ''playing wif ur hair'' for a while, u'll notice tt u dun get ur original black hair n instead, ''clumps'' of greyish repulsive disgusting grey hair when u hav yet to be under ''senior-citizen' 'category. When tt day comes, u will shout n slap urself like mad n probably also suffer from balding, wondering why in the hell did u do tis to urself. After tt all those hair therapy to Yun Nam, David Gan will be useless. Its not the end of the world though, so dun commit suicide, just tt I will personally laugh at u in ur face, yes I'm tt DAMN bad coz u obviously havent listen to my ''valuable'' advice. So U still wanna dye ur hair??

Writer's Comment

From tis post onwards, I'll put a writer's comment for clarification on why I post tis things t I post. Not that it'll matters and no, tis is not an apology corner from me ah. I'll continue to comment unless the post above is alreadi clear enough for ur thick skull. Fellow readers will think from reading above ''What in the hell is ur prblm MMM??''. My problem is I like to provoke the common everyday ppl I see in the streets as long as its appropriate according to the LAW. I will not provoke anything with race or religion. Only stuffs in general that I'm irritated wif n it happens today is about hair colour. Pls not skin dun try stir controversy ah. I am very politically correct.Tis post came up when someone I noe wants to DYE his hair so ''badly'' that he pisses me off n bugged me and I dedicate tis post to tt fellow. Anyways, I'm not such a goody-two-shoes myself but at least I don't do things that has no benefits. I seriously dun find hair dye-ing to be an attractive thing....I mean I dunno bout wat goes on in ur mind....but I guess I'm either the smartest human alive which is obviously not or either the ppl around us is so caught up wif their ambitions tt they have become dumber when it comes to their appearance. I think its the latter. Not satisfied, complain as usual at the comment ( on the button written comment n comment lor...anyone can comment....ppl nowadays so dumb....simple things must teach...difficult things they noe Btw I think, I have a lot more readers, why is it only darkdreamer is commenting.....typical of u ppl.....everything keep inside ur hard....coz u CANT change it.....or u can do is change ur freakin hair colour...just too DAMN DAMN DAMN bad!!!