Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cliques...Why u need them n why they need u!!! Or does it matter??

Friends for life.....u gotta need friends in life. But humans being humans need to have a group of close-knit grp of closer friends to form a large social compass called a clique. I noe u sitting there wat in the hell bunch of trash did I just say....simply to put it .....there's cliques consisting of the most closest friends tt is like an exclusive membership grp entitled to those of the same interest n personalities. My question to u is hav u ppl been in a situation where there are already cliques form being in ur job or ur class which apparently u're in neither of u feel worried...Out of place...Outcast?? wad to do???? GOsh, let me help me by slapping u in the face....n then giving u this advice....

As much as u think u need cliques, the question is do they need u?? well no...Cliques exists in companies to keep trusted secrets n if u're not in means u're not important or u are a threat. In friendship, u're not in a clique simply means u're not introduced or u dun show an interest tt ppl can relate u wif. Simply to put it, u're boring. Nobody thinks u're worth anything. So what u wanna do...try to be nice wif ppl, put up an act, try to be someone u're not. HELL NO! Its not a matter u cant fight em, join em, its plastic, its fake n its probably not gonna last long. My suggestion go form YOUR own clique.....why be the follower if u can hold tt leadership key to decide who is in n who is out sort of the captain of the school team liddat. Be outspoken...tell ppl wat u wanna say n dun hide it. u not happy just say it...u got opinions let ppl hear it. It is no use keeping everything to ur heart only to get stressed up wif no outlet to let off. The bully in front of u insults u, u go n beat him up!

Actualli people outta there, u dun realli need to hav cliques, wat u need are aquaintances, ppl who will be there to support u. There is no thrill in having cliques if it doesn't hav a purpose. Admit it, u need cliques for entertainment....n if u're the leader u feel a sense of loyalty. Wat u realli one is for ppl to be rallying behind u all the time.In politics, we call em dictators but dictatorship are all about cliques. So my question to u fellow bloggers n readers, if u think for one freaking second tt havin clique is impt n tt u must belong somewhere n dun bother forming one well how about try breaking up the clique. Yes FIGHT it. Abolished it but u likely to find urself forming one. People form cliques simply to establish their own ''rule'' n to hav a ''safety net''. Human beings no longer depend on society n community like in the past. We, being smart, try to devise unique ways to secure ourselves n cliques r like tt safety net. You BEAT uo someone....cursed others....n create enemies to satisfy ourselves as being superior than the rest but at then end of the day wat YOU WANT is to be able to be RESPECTED n SUPPORTED by a grp of ppl whom NOMATTER if YOU ARE IN THE WRONG will still say YOU'RE CORRECT....NOT YOUR FAULT....etc etc. SO create enemies but make sure u hav these ''cliques'' to go back to....otherwise u are indeed a loner n hav no one to talk to but the walls of ur pathetic home, the chirping pigeons n mebbe urself to be content wif. Cliques ARE & always WILL be the best insurance tt money cant buy. Go ahead readers...go comment & complain ....dun worry I've got my cliquesssss. Yes, I have more than one......I need to be EXTRA insured.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Outwit, Outlast, Outplay, tis is SURVIVOR IN REAL LIFE!!!

From over seven continents n ur livelihood at stake, wif over 50 billions n counting contestants all fighting it out in the corporate world living together for 24 hours and seven days a week for as long as u're still breathing and a prize-money of a career n a house if u're survived, welcome to Financial survivor!!!!

Well so much for the long intro, tis special post is dedicated to those of u career-hungry ppl whom cant seem to satisfy urselves. As amazing as it sounds, I'm a fan of survivor becoz tis show apparently broadcast backstabbing n manuplation to elimiate a fellow contestant so tt u are one step closer to the million dollars. Apparently though, it doesn't take for u to be stranded on an island wif virtual unknown ppl for tis thing to happen. It happens in the corporate world as well. So welcome to life. Survivor should be played anywhere possible not just on an island, it could be expanded to include an institution, some law firm, bank firms, oil industry...n wth even in a supermarket, my fren darkdreamer tis post is for u!!

The obsession to be the ''sole-survivor'' is very tempting indeed. So much tt they do watever they can to reach it. You noe something there are two ways in life, the easy way or the hard way to reach the goal. The easy way involving ''kissin ur bosses/teachers ass'' if u noe wat I mean or in another way becoming the favourite ''loyal'' employee or the teacher's pet. Its a sure-fire way to promotion but u gonna earn the irate of ur fellow colleagues coz u ''saboh-ed'' em n report their faults no matter how minor it may be. Also u become a two-faced lying individual as u pretend to be nice to earn ur keep while back-stabbing them whenever possible. Well, I dun personally morally approve the easy way but the hell wif morals if there's wealth n career at stake, u throw all that out of the window as well as family n friends ryte?? Dun lie....I can see tt smirl on ur face!! And tts why Darkdreamer ur fellow senior-citizen-like colleague behaves tt way.

So wat is the hard way, u ask me? Well, the hard way would be to stand up to ur boss when u're not happy wif working conditions n the measely pay. U're probably gonna lose ur job n get demoted but in ur mind as long as u had spoken on the behalf of the backbone of the company which is ur fellow colleagues, u had done the right thing. Anything u wanna disagree wif the bosses' opinion, u're not afraid to speak out. Even if u don't do the above, well u at least tried to be sincerely nice n be cooperative wif ur colleagues n not bother having negative thoughts n assume tt they are ''nice'' ppl. Everyday, u do the extra overtime wif no additional pay n u dint complain (i noe tis is paradox to the above, but tis is also considered the hard way!!) so u work ur asses of for tt pathetic few thousands of dollars of boring admin/blu-collar like job for wat?? Passion?? experience?? to kill time?? Dun bluff urselves...ur boss ain't gonna promote u by being deligent n hardworking n obedient...the boss could give a damn abt u....anytime he feels like firing u u go sunshine!! Off course he cites ''financial reasons'' n hire tt cheap "foreign-talent'' to replace u with. At the end of the day, you wonder why the company doesn't appreciate u....well becoz u dint play the game of office politics...U were simply being too ''nice'' n tt just doesn't cut it in the corporate world.

So wat is my advice? Simple...Roll over n fetch...nope tts not it.....Outwit,outlast n outplay! Bosses nowadays love employers who stand up to em n not just follow their every direction and ideas. Just ask Donald Trump. Afterall, we need out-of-the-box type of individuals tt will risk it all. Manuplation, diabolical n scheming proffesionals are those tt will do anything for themselves...its sort of a value-added thingy tt employers are seeking out. So brace urself...n convert urself to one. U may get hated in the process but most wealthy rich dudes outta there are usually hated anyways so u're not alone. Cheers!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wats the point of having school holiday if U must go to school

U're not alone kid...I was in ur shoes....just last year!!!!

Hey, its the March school holidays, wat r u poor little boys n girls doing at home all gloomy in ur couch readin my knowledgeable blog?? Oh I see...u hav plenty of homeworks to do. Hmm....oh u guys also hav extra supplementary n remedial lessons too. Wat!!! U also hav tests these week. Oh I see .....I'm not surprised...though...since when has school holiday realli been holiday anyways. Its been like tis kids since years ago n its not gonna change anytime sooner so get used to it brats.

The word school holiday is no longer an attractive feat as it used to be many years ago back in simplistic 60s. While S'pore has prospered to almost developed status, that can be said much about our young ones. Afterall, all work n noe play makes Jack a dull boy. But here's the thing there's no Jack...there's Ah Seng, Ali n Bala onli. So it doesn't relate to us. School holiday in my 12+ years has always mean Extra Teaching Time or ETT. Tis us becoz teachers found it too rushed n too lack of time to pack watever things to be taught from the syllabus into the normal curriculum time hence depends on ''school holidays'' for lessons to be completed. Thank god, they cant touch public holidays...otherwise u can imagine everyone goin to school to study durin Chinese New Year n Christmas Day respectively.Well as much as I pity u poor young things, u gotta realised tt on curriculum time alone is not enough for ur academic excellence. In the afternoons, u got to hav CCA sessions to win for ur beloved school the gold medals n awards so that u're be an ''all rounded'' student n can win medals for S'pore in Youth Olympic games in 2010.

However a genius like myself always have solutions to offer to solve the misjustice of school holiday. Firstly, I recommend the abolishment of school holidays. Why is there school holiday if there's no need for one anyway. Instead replace it with it a free-for-all supplementary period. This systems works on a basis whereby any teacher has the freedom to book the entire day for his subject to be taught to the students. Let the students noe tt they HAVE NO breaks not even half an hour to go an eat coz education comes first no even food. Secondly why have school operating hours...dint they wanna emphasize lifelong learning...schools should be 24 is onli appropriate since Mcdonalds n fast food outlets are 24 hrs. Hence, there will be now worth of 16 hours of curriculum time n 7 hrs of Co-curricular time....with 1 hour for them to return to their homes to take shower n take a ''bite'' before returning to school lets say at 7am. Afterall, schools should be their one n onli home....ur own home shld be 2nd. Students n little kids dunnit much rest n sleep anyways, they are supposed to be slaves n machines to the education system. THirdly, I dun quite agree with the 5 days work week, I think strongly everyone should work 24/7 meaning 24 hrs ....7 days a week NON-STOP...since ppl like working so much, I'm sure teachers won't mind...n those students who survived until examination period will get 2 bonus points...parents who may wanna go holiday can just treat school like a child hotel n dump them there so tt they can go on their 2nd,3rd, 4th,5th etc honeymoon n help improve S'pore's low birth rates n carry out tis process yearly. Remember kids dun need rest....they supposed to be resistant. May the best child survived non-stop in the education field until he reaches tertiary education. No such thing as school holiday hor!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A new hope ( VERY DELAYED TELECAST) - The final part of the trilogy of 3 parts (duh), a post mortem of A level results special

As we dun have sponsors, we could not afford live telecast as promised...I'm so sorry. Before u kaypoh, nail-bitting, angst-ridden teens n kay-poh old folks ask me abt my A level results let me say.....I ain't tellin u.....the onli response I'm gonna get from u critics is....''eww not so smart....blahblahblah I did better...b.s". Well at least I passed now lets get on wif the highlight. The highlight is tt there is no highlight tt friday in my jc. As usual names of the top (no surprise...the usual suspects) students were announced. Yea, we clapped our hands n snarl in jealousy...doesn't anyone....human instincts wat. Yea, some of em the foreign talents tt hav robbed us of our place n life (I wont go far here). Then ...the moment...the queue for results.

The tension in the air is well supported by unfounded n founded rumours. Well those who did well obviously tried to cover up by ''blatantly'' trying to console those who dint do well. I'm not saying some of u weren't being sincere just that tis is so atypical if u get wad I mean...if u dun get it....u dun hav to dig ur brain too hard coz obviously u dun understand. Well lets just assume we are all lucky to be found in one piece n hav a place to go even if there is no direction.

My point of view is simple, why so much hype over results day rather than the exam period itself?? It only leads to disappointment. To some ppl that is. All you straight A ppl outta there would nvr understand coz u're too smart....probably will nvr fail ever.....I shudder to think how u guys will feel if u guys actualli flopped the hill n fall one day. Well tts how I personally feel for those whom were disappointed. Just as the fellow bloggers whom r readin my blog usually n are disappointed to find this anti-climax ending of the trilogy...but wad do u expect.....I can be sarcastic but I can be sensible which i urged all of u to quickly bury ur A level results into the nearest body bag n dun opened it until the year 2020. Then, u go n retrieved it n realised tt u are cryin, whining or even celebrating over a piece of cheaply printed paper wif letters on it tt prove nothing more than ''a past prblm'' is provided u're not a lazy bum or the happy nerds whom r lost in life after tertiary education is over. Otherwise, u shld hav a successful career n a family by then.

Hmmm...isn't my views above correct? A levels not so impt ryte? HAHAHAH WRONG!!! I sucker u poor jabroni's who got taken for a ride. Hell NO!! A LEVELS is impt.....n like my previous posts....u had it comin.....U DINT DO MUCH.....Go Retake a levels....go MDIS....watever u wanna do...coz u blew it muahahaha....I sound like a jerk but I am..TO ALL NXT BATCH....U LOSE TIS BATTLE....U'RE GONE...PREPARE NOW....NO SLACKING.....NO BF/GF....unless u want pain in the ass prblms, mental stress n ur allowance n savings getting depleted.....CCA (join 1 ...quit the followin year....not like u can win any competitions wif the TOP 5 JCs lol)...sorry I wasn't refering to any specific CCA or JCs...GO FIGURE!!! so back to story if u opened n retrieve ur A level cert in 2020....all u're hav to urself is a depressed soul....why in the hell dint u naive when u were 18 .....keep thinking about wanting to enjoy ur teenage years & to be independent ryte? Serve YOU ryte......LISTEN HERE PPL....whether u wanna agree or disagree I realli dun give a damn....BASICALLY UR YOUTH IS SUPPOSED TO BE PURE HARDCORE MUGGING.....dun believe,.....take out ur Pink I.C n checked wat ctry u are born in...if its Singapore.......tts wat it supposed to be. Not happy?? Blame ur parents lor for u being born here...then blame everyone else as if u're the onli one the victim. Well I got a solution.for u. Why not u SHUT UP....GET ON WIF UR LIFE.....n LEARN TO LIVE WIF IT...N STOP WHINING! Life isn't fair so tts just TOO DAMN DAMN BAD!
In life there are casualties n it so happened tt u're one of it.....(oh now u're gonna cry n swear like I bother)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Emotions Runnin high!!! The 2nd of a trilogy of 3 parts(duh), a prelude to A level results special

Ó DarkDREAMER (he asked me not to put his real name....oops) 2008 Not to be used without permission how has it been? Just less than 24 hrs away to the results of the century at least for now tt is in our oh so insignificant lives. The one question everyone wanna noe is simply ''Do I get to go to the course tt I so desperately want in the uni tt I want?'' Well I dun hav the answers to wat u looking...coz I'm also in the same boat that u guys are in...but lers talk about the emotions tt are in u like now.

The Irresistable Tension
U twist n u turn in bed as u sleep in that shiver down ur spine worse than have chill fever or watching from a horror movie that leave the faint-hearted collapsing in agony. The dreams much like yesterday's post....u dream of success n failure...all to couple with the pain irony of reality. I obviously noe some ppl would wait painstakingly for the most impt exciting morn call from ur respective civic tutors to say ''Congratulations....u're the top student..u have done well etc etc'' n some who're expectin Mediacorp to come to their school n interview em n expect all their 10 001 relatives n frens to tune in news at nite to see their faces implanted in it n as well as buying 5000 copies of newspaper the followin day to hav their face in the front page. Well who doesn't want tt reception n some ppl also hoped for some award to be named after them....erm yeah there are ppl like that. Tmr reality comes closin in all of your fantasy n dreams either comes crashing down like the tsunami onto ur future or given a 10 000 pound worth of ego boost to push ur morale.

The Guessing Game
Indeed the environment before the result day is akin to an economic speculation. We sit here and we predict who will topped and who will flopped. Indeed thats the entertainment one gets for speculating is indeed thrilling. Its like the bunch of relatives coming to support an American Idol contestant and prayed like crazy for a contestant's luck and once he succeeded, they will roared wif the almighty enthusiasm as he heads to Hollywood while those who failed will be swarmed wif the destructive collections of legendary swear words. Although the A level results contains no such ''hollywood'', the destination is the ''mecca of education'' , the place of the highest point of brain-damaged known to all of humanity who seeks its gold, the university. Unfortunately it is guarded by not just one ''Simon Cowell'' but by the strings of the most harsh gruelling mandate of entrance known as pre-requisite n interview. You do not want to celebrate knowing u had absolutely zero chance of entering the ''battlefield''.

It all ends tomorrow
For some, tomorrow marks the end of the path to destiny. You are eliminated. End of the world. Nobody gives a damn bout u anymore. Syonara, thanks for the 2 year journey & dun bother coming back. Yeah we heard the cliche', academics not everything n dun give up. Let me bring about reality check, firstly it is right, its not the only thing in life.....IT IS THE ONLY THING .....well at least where we lived in at is. Whether u like it or not, it is really the onli thing. We are not that 7 year old child prodigy that enter the uni...even if u are....aren't u means u're closer to havin Permanent Brain Damaged by age 10. ...there goes ur childhood spent in the laboratory lookin at cancer cells.... Anyways, back to topic, we need the rigourous A level curriculum for our life to move on. Dead in tracks no where to go. Its reality, wake up n face it like a man. Then u say too bad ah new syllabus no 10 yr series to sch the notes like crap....etc all the rubbish....I say grow up quit blaming them .....if ur teacher ask u make ur own notes u sure can study one.......All you have to blame is yourself......You dint put in effort...You were too lazy slackin around....You dint consult ur teachers....You dint pay attention...You skipped lecture....NOW You gonna suffer the consequences! Its all YOU YOU YOU.....ALL YOUR FAULT!!!

So how you're feelin I stressing u??? Are you now gonna have sleepless nightmares as ur soul is engulfed in guilt-ridden truthly fears that are every bit as true as it gets??? Muahahaha
Alright, actualli I'm scoldin myself here too...well its all fair game as u can say. What comes around goes around....(though I dun think I'm guilty of ALL of the above) nonetheless lets all hope we dun let our emotions run wild!!!

Tmr dear bloggers will be the final installment of this epic trilogy.....we will have a live on the scene report of the A level results (actualli hor delayed telecast)....mebbe double post accordin to my liking as I accessed the high n low of tis season (season!?...u gotta be kidding mann) as we bring u A levels the REUNION, A new hope (or Return of the Loser) which ever is appopriate and that is I come back tmr in one piece.....lets all pray hard now (yes....pray...dun complain). So stay tuned....btw due to feedback here how to lodge a comment or complain....go down each comments...then say watever u wanna say....any anonymous (coward) can comment ah. Till we meet tmr.....jeng....jeng...jeng.....MMM over n out!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

You Don't have to win everytime, you just have to avoid losing once!!! The first of a trilogy of 3 parts(duh) ,a prelude to A level results special

Alrighty, before u ppl start swearing n wonderin why do I hav nuthin better to do & post twice today well I offer u an explanation. Becoz I business twice or thrice today muahahaha, wat can u do bout it? lol!! Okay, lame. Actually since almost all the A level leavers wanna take result on Fri, its been on everybody's mind so hence begin the trilogy of the prelude to A level results special.

I wanna talk bout winners n losers coz some ppl treat tis ''big major exam'' b.s as sort of a game. U got the ''sch politics'' n wat nots. The difference is there may really be no difference between winners n losers in tis distinction. As usual I will give my very valuable opinion.

Perpetual dreamers who think they are winners

There are ''referigerator'' size egos in certain confident jerks who get an ego boosed based on their performance. There's ''Mr confident I'll get an A & top the sch'' who goes arnd intimidating his other ''opponents'' making them crumble in fear n disappointment. He is the one who will loathed in victory wif ''darth vader'' like laughter as he watches his ''opponents'' crashed n trembled in defeat. Its actualli like Harry Potter minus the happy ending coz Harry supposed to be dead n Lord Voldermort lives on hahahaha....sorry my bad. I refer to em as perpetual dreamers coz they usually can see themselves 5-10 yrs ahead which is a gd thing well sort of. They could see themselves holdin up the President's scholarship n shaking hands wif the PM when they are in Primary tats gifted. Unfortunately they dun realli win anything coz they ended up wif the IMH becoz their brain has shut down after being used to the max.

Perpetual dreamers who think they are losers

This is the other extreme end.....ppl wif low confidence n low self esteem ....always give u the ''I tried my best but I think I screw up'' type of look. They usually get intimidated as I mentioned earlier wif the other grp above. The irony here is they are actualli the top scorers but their humility is oh so soothing ryte?? NOT!! Tis is a tactical move.....the oldest trick in the book.....not to look threatening so there is no pressure on the end of the day, everyone kena fooled....look surprised....n come the underdog success story of the year. Smart ryte? they should play in Survivor....can win tt US$1 million. The trick here is dun get fooled. They hav the innocent face n most likely like the above won't help u much unless u're in the help urself....if possible. The onli thing they probably lose is probably lack of success wif a relationship wif the opposite gender coz in a relationship ppl look out for ''ego-ridden confidence cracker like the ferst grp". Trust me, I noe.

Perpetual dreamers who are just dreamers

Highly unmotivated grp of the lot. They just longed to get A levels over n done wif as well as any other exams in their way. They only ''hope'' they do well n if not ''doesn't matter'' lor. They believe studying isn't everything which is true but in their terms it actualli means studying isn't everything so why bother. They just ''dream'' as in just dream to attain success. No effort where got cool.....sch where got life?? Go clubbin liao then got life....erm tt type of ppl....unfortunately they like rule the world the most. They can easily be found in any popular hangout area wasting their time away (much like me wasting my time here though I'm here to educate as if!!) Well dreamin alone won't help u dudes......but tts ur prblm ryte?? lol

My Verdict

So u probably ask me, wat ryte MMM do u hav to classify ppl liddat....u think u so perfect ah?? I give my reply becoz I am perfect....NOT!! Becoz they exist.....I need no further proof.....these ppl are everywhere n they will appear live tis friday at a jc near u. No tickets n drinks pay urself. So which one are u?? tts it for the first part today....tomorrow...we talk abt emotions in part 2 of the prelude to results day!!! Until then....keep on complaining n whining!!! just kidding!!!

Say No to Elitism!!!

Hello world!! Welcome to the 3rd post ever. Today lets talk abt something tt has irritate me recently. Elitism. Today we settle tis issue once & for all. So if u dunno wat elitism is n whether u're a victim...hopefully tis post will clear things up for ya

What is Elitism?

In the official MMM dictionary, Elitism is defined as anyone tt is in the upper class league of society with a considerable load of wealth n luxury. U still dun understand?? means got the cash got the money, got it easy life liddat in terms of materialistic wants n in the social class wif success in the intelligence department. The problem wif elitism are the elites dun even realise they elites. In S'pore elites can usually be found in the top 5 JCs or schs in the ''rankings''. Before u questioned me n say theres no more rankings wat....well theres no formal official ranking tt is. In the ''informal'' rankings which is termed the ''coffeeshop ranking'' or basically ranking based on wat u general population think is the best still exist wad. These ppl probably live in private housing....wif large amt of they can probably hire personal tutors for themselves.....had enuff wealth to party all nite long.....but in the day can still study smart....get gd results....can enter a top jc tt has a lot of ''luxurious'' facilites n everybody there probably go there by private transportation.

Why is there elitism?

Becoz some ppl are just too damn rich. Who ask em to be so rich? govt nvr tekan their money is it? I think in S'pore its just not fair to hav rich ppl arnd. Somethings wrg when someone had practically nvr take an SBS bus, ride on the MRT n step his foot in a wet market b4. This rich kids also nvr mixed arnd wif the heartland kids tt play soccer at the void deck or hang arnd or chat together near the coffee shop. Even if they do its wif their own kind n its at Starbucks & at proper sporting area. They also hardly noe S'pore still has lower income grp n tt 1 room flats still exist. Wat am I kidding!!! hav they actualli step their rich massaged foot into a HDB flat in their entire life? NOPE....Pls ah u elite craps out there u dunno how S'pore is like....u think money all fall down from sky....U guys dunno wat hardship is.....all perpetual all rounders ah. Yes unfortunately elite ppl are all rounders....they dominate everything from academics to Sports to Arts ...they dun give opportunity for average dudes to suceed. Why u ask? Coz they r in schs which are so much money from donation by rich parents.....can afford to hire the best tchers, trainers, offer the best course can win one wat in competitions. U think I'm whining n complainin? U go step ur elitist feet into a normal average neighbourhood sch tt nobody gives a damn....n u do the comparison wif UR elitist sch n the normal sch of the commoners. U so RICH u got aircon in every classroom...while tt average sch the fan also like goin to drop down anytime....IS tis FAIR???

So Wat is MY solution??

Remove the idea of Independent schs, autonomous sch, single sexed sch....totally. U want some schs independent then make all schs in entire S'pore independent....u wanna make some sch co-ed boys n girls then make all schs liddat.....dun give a damn abt the alumni n all the rubbish tradition of the sch....u ppl all so old n hav careers.....dun poke ur nose into tis generation education system. Let there be no distinction liddat....just like integrated prgm....why make some skip O's....let all skip O' to differentiate students so much. That is why there is elitism due to differentiation. Btw while we at it, I guess its better not to hav the schs in the Bukit Timah area to be so close like in a cluster. Bukit Timah is already well known for elitism...pls lah go move them to the middle of the heartlands like Woodlands, Yishun or the veri least can motivate the students from other schs there. Its also ridiculous a certain sch can actualli hav their own river.....u think wat u ppl can own anything is it....rubbish!!!

U may think I sound angry or wat but the fact is most of these ppl from the richer n well educated ppl, they end up becomin leaders n bosses or at the very least some mediacorp artists in the limelight. Nonetheless, if we dun stop elitist....we may get elitist leaders. ppl whom may not understand wat the other whole general population is facing wif higher cost of living n are the direct effect of inflation. Its impt tt they MUST noe tt not everyone is havin an easy life in little old S' pls elite ppl be more of a heartlander....abandon tt car, Mastercard, Starbucks, Condo n try to get used wif the SBS bus, the Kopitiam, $5 note n the HDB flat.....its better u understanding the plight of the population then splurge all u want.....n pls mixed wif the heartlander whom may onli hav an N-level qualification.

My personal view is tt shouldn't be overly rich ppl in S'pore coz I dun think its possible unless they do it the ''easy'' way if u noe wat I mean!!! tts it from me n pls lah readers go comment ( if there is any elitist reader outta there) I'm ready to be hantam anytime.

Monday, March 3, 2008

PARANOIA!!!!! U are not alone, there's many out there too!!!


Hello once again (as if got ppl read tis blog), aniwaes I dun give a damn lets just cut to the chase. Here will be my final part abt tis missing convict issue tt has gotten S'pore taken by storm n may I add a few rainy days. Wat I can see is it creates the emotions of paranoia.....erm u dun understand go check the Oxford dictionary available at all major retailers out there. Back to discussion, wad do I mean? Simply to put, everybody panic like crazy....well u dun see ppl panic but u see examples of ppl panic. Parents worried for their children's safety (like duh), ppl watching their back all the time ( n not onli from office politics) n cases where ppl go in massive like 'tribal' volunteer grps hunting for tis one man. Interesting though we all get paranoid even when tis issue dint happen. Today, I offer u ppl the scenarios ppl get into when they're paranoid n the reasons for being so.

Case 1: Why ppl are paranoid when tis JI leader escape?
- they gonna put quotas on foreign talent (there goes the brain drain)
- Now ...police will raid their hse lookin for him....there goes privacy time...will lead to low birth rates ( come low birth rates ah...daddy I dun see the link eh..)
- All prices will rise (somehow prices HAS always been rising....tis just add more)
-tis will encourage more breakouts
-tis will coz tighter censorship by MDA mebbe banning PRISON BREAK.....(wah lau now cannot watch my fav tis no motivation in life..)

Case 2: Why students get paranoid when receiving exam results eg. A level results released on tis Fri? (I will try to interview the top student well for my JC at least)
- They all receive dreams n nightmares bout it in the upcoming days prior to results taking n it all seemed too good to be true....or a preview to destiny
- They hav the belief tt no matter how well they do....there's always some ppl who did better ( damn u top 5 JC ppl.....make the lower end feel bad....shame on u :P )
- They felt tt no matter how well they scored....the foreign scholars will definitely topped the cohort.
- They consulted a feng shui master n traditional witch doctors (bomohs) saying tt the location of their sch is not gd.....n is more towards bad luck
- They all seemingly agree its LIFE n DEATH situation.....u dun get wat u want.....TTS IT...END OF UR has no meaning....U're a LOSER....NO FUTURE....U hav nothing....n u gonna SUFFER under S'pores high standard of living ......muahahaha.... (teachers' way of getting students to study....hmmm .....whether u like it or not there is ''some tiny'' truth bout it)
My own view: We all get anxious.....but some ppl took it to the 'EXTREME' thing abt results release day is the soap-opera drama....the success story n the tragic ones......hmm....emotions of youths tested to the core.....u'll see tis at a JC near u @ 2.30 pm

Case 3: Why are Singaporeans paranoid durin the peak hours???
- They hate traffic jams ....must rush.......(watever they do....they must still pay ERP...when drivin to CBD...oops nowadays ERP also in heartlands ah....also no point to rush....dunno ah tis ppl....must be habit)
- Those on public transport......they want to get seats....standing is like 2nd must rush to get seats
- They scared their boss will scold em abt punctuality ( erm as if they scared....they wanna get a raise n not kena demoted or fired )
- They wanna eat breakfast......but they intreprete it as EAT-UP-YOUR-BREAK-TIME-FAST....meaning they must hav limited if the bus slows down n traffic light turns red...tts a BIG NO NO...then become TABOO
My comments: theres a lot of ppl durin peak hrs is coz ppl choose to come at tt time....too early ppl think u one of the students (too low for u eh?) or one of the CPF-less workers, old retirees (tt kena forced to come out of retirement)...or the blue collars.....Solution: Dun be so prblm....go out early....why not u ppl go to work at 4am in the morning....since u ppl love ur career so much...might as well work early n go home late.....avoid peak hours ryte?? thk u ah!!

So there's my 3 cases n solutions.....btw go post comments eh....these posts are all written by an unemployed youth tryin to spend his time wisely as he goes abt his usual routine of doin absolutely nothing, so not every thing I wrote ...oops...I mean he wrote is making sense. Well till the nxt time....btw why u so paranoid when u read my post?? I giving u a headache is it?? a migraine??? Give comments ah!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

WHERE IS MAS SELAMAT??? like finding needle in a haystack

Well, the issue of Mas Selamat's breakout from the detention centre is an eye-opener to ''most'' S'porean youths whose life are more concern abt the ''happy hours'' in pubs, easy money from part time jobs and the ''in things'' concerning wif fashion n music. Suddenly everyone thinks bout safety n whether they live to see tmr even though not yet like those third world ctry(s) situation. At least ppl dun take security too lightly...but naturally most ppl dun give a damn anyways until tis sort of situation do they take heed. Typical S'poreans eh....but myself included. It was onli last wk, we were happying celebrating our YOG hosting results n within one wk....its ''Toilet Break" movie. Here some idiots sitting on the couch at home saying ''Wah S'pore now more exciting". To those jokers....tis is real and is as real as it gets unless u're doing something productive, pls contribute n help find tis man.

So now, finding tis fugitive, lots of rumours where he may be, so I offer top 10 places tt he may be at n top 10 places he would be stupid to be at.

1) the nearest HDB estates (since private home owners would report him ryte away)...Toa Payoh the best (ignorant ppl who nvr read the news)
2) sewage n longkangs
3) Foreign dorms (but i dun think theres one nearby)
4) ALL the parks n forested area in S'pore ( I bet the police think so too)
5) Cemetery ( just a guess)
6) Hawker centres ( best known to be the best workin place for illegal immigrants)
7) Underneath bridges
8) Relative hse
9) Geylang Serai to Paya lebar area esp on Sundays ( can blend in wif the crowd)
10) Foreign Land (though many feel he still in S'pore)

1) Police HQ in Cantonment Link ( the building fascinated him)
2) MRT stations (underground or elevated)
3) In a Private or public transport
4) Changi Airport (check all the terminals,1,2,3 + budget + cargo coz he had planned to bomb em)
5) On his way via the LEGAL checkpoint outlets eg Tuas, Woodlands, Tanah Merah ferry terminal
6) Pulau Tekong (enuff said)
7) Orchard Rd (he did shopping for new clothes)
8) Hospitals (need to fixed his limp)
9) Old folks home (who noes he consider himself homeless, change his identity n checked himself in)
10) He's still in the detention centre, hiding himself.....n nobody can find him becoz he locked himself up so mebbe authorities shld check again the place

Well for one thing, these are my speculations n as for the reasons he escaped was through toilet break well not much can be said...lets not blame anyone. He could be here, there, anywhere. In the next post, I'll post about paranoia in u people who takes security for granted. Shame on time total defence day, nvr take seriously ryte.

Take a phrase from the Modern Malay Man; Its never to late to be prepared however the delay in preparedness always tarnishes the effectiveness of the preparation..until then chiao...n p.s.eugene its realli me tis dude will no longer be a problem..