Wednesday, March 5, 2008

You Don't have to win everytime, you just have to avoid losing once!!! The first of a trilogy of 3 parts(duh) ,a prelude to A level results special

Alrighty, before u ppl start swearing n wonderin why do I hav nuthin better to do & post twice today well I offer u an explanation. Becoz I business twice or thrice today muahahaha, wat can u do bout it? lol!! Okay, lame. Actually since almost all the A level leavers wanna take result on Fri, its been on everybody's mind so hence begin the trilogy of the prelude to A level results special.

I wanna talk bout winners n losers coz some ppl treat tis ''big major exam'' b.s as sort of a game. U got the ''sch politics'' n wat nots. The difference is there may really be no difference between winners n losers in tis distinction. As usual I will give my very valuable opinion.

Perpetual dreamers who think they are winners

There are ''referigerator'' size egos in certain confident jerks who get an ego boosed based on their performance. There's ''Mr confident I'll get an A & top the sch'' who goes arnd intimidating his other ''opponents'' making them crumble in fear n disappointment. He is the one who will loathed in victory wif ''darth vader'' like laughter as he watches his ''opponents'' crashed n trembled in defeat. Its actualli like Harry Potter minus the happy ending coz Harry supposed to be dead n Lord Voldermort lives on hahahaha....sorry my bad. I refer to em as perpetual dreamers coz they usually can see themselves 5-10 yrs ahead which is a gd thing well sort of. They could see themselves holdin up the President's scholarship n shaking hands wif the PM when they are in Primary tats gifted. Unfortunately they dun realli win anything coz they ended up wif the IMH becoz their brain has shut down after being used to the max.

Perpetual dreamers who think they are losers

This is the other extreme end.....ppl wif low confidence n low self esteem ....always give u the ''I tried my best but I think I screw up'' type of look. They usually get intimidated as I mentioned earlier wif the other grp above. The irony here is they are actualli the top scorers but their humility is oh so soothing ryte?? NOT!! Tis is a tactical move.....the oldest trick in the book.....not to look threatening so there is no pressure on the end of the day, everyone kena fooled....look surprised....n come the underdog success story of the year. Smart ryte? they should play in Survivor....can win tt US$1 million. The trick here is dun get fooled. They hav the innocent face n most likely like the above won't help u much unless u're in the help urself....if possible. The onli thing they probably lose is probably lack of success wif a relationship wif the opposite gender coz in a relationship ppl look out for ''ego-ridden confidence cracker like the ferst grp". Trust me, I noe.

Perpetual dreamers who are just dreamers

Highly unmotivated grp of the lot. They just longed to get A levels over n done wif as well as any other exams in their way. They only ''hope'' they do well n if not ''doesn't matter'' lor. They believe studying isn't everything which is true but in their terms it actualli means studying isn't everything so why bother. They just ''dream'' as in just dream to attain success. No effort where got cool.....sch where got life?? Go clubbin liao then got life....erm tt type of ppl....unfortunately they like rule the world the most. They can easily be found in any popular hangout area wasting their time away (much like me wasting my time here though I'm here to educate as if!!) Well dreamin alone won't help u dudes......but tts ur prblm ryte?? lol

My Verdict

So u probably ask me, wat ryte MMM do u hav to classify ppl liddat....u think u so perfect ah?? I give my reply becoz I am perfect....NOT!! Becoz they exist.....I need no further proof.....these ppl are everywhere n they will appear live tis friday at a jc near u. No tickets n drinks pay urself. So which one are u?? tts it for the first part today....tomorrow...we talk abt emotions in part 2 of the prelude to results day!!! Until then....keep on complaining n whining!!! just kidding!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

duno wat to say,someone has lots of things is go poly instead of JC...