Saturday, March 8, 2008

A new hope ( VERY DELAYED TELECAST) - The final part of the trilogy of 3 parts (duh), a post mortem of A level results special

As we dun have sponsors, we could not afford live telecast as promised...I'm so sorry. Before u kaypoh, nail-bitting, angst-ridden teens n kay-poh old folks ask me abt my A level results let me say.....I ain't tellin u.....the onli response I'm gonna get from u critics is....''eww not so smart....blahblahblah I did better...b.s". Well at least I passed now lets get on wif the highlight. The highlight is tt there is no highlight tt friday in my jc. As usual names of the top (no surprise...the usual suspects) students were announced. Yea, we clapped our hands n snarl in jealousy...doesn't anyone....human instincts wat. Yea, some of em the foreign talents tt hav robbed us of our place n life (I wont go far here). Then ...the moment...the queue for results.

The tension in the air is well supported by unfounded n founded rumours. Well those who did well obviously tried to cover up by ''blatantly'' trying to console those who dint do well. I'm not saying some of u weren't being sincere just that tis is so atypical if u get wad I mean...if u dun get it....u dun hav to dig ur brain too hard coz obviously u dun understand. Well lets just assume we are all lucky to be found in one piece n hav a place to go even if there is no direction.

My point of view is simple, why so much hype over results day rather than the exam period itself?? It only leads to disappointment. To some ppl that is. All you straight A ppl outta there would nvr understand coz u're too smart....probably will nvr fail ever.....I shudder to think how u guys will feel if u guys actualli flopped the hill n fall one day. Well tts how I personally feel for those whom were disappointed. Just as the fellow bloggers whom r readin my blog usually n are disappointed to find this anti-climax ending of the trilogy...but wad do u expect.....I can be sarcastic but I can be sensible which i urged all of u to quickly bury ur A level results into the nearest body bag n dun opened it until the year 2020. Then, u go n retrieved it n realised tt u are cryin, whining or even celebrating over a piece of cheaply printed paper wif letters on it tt prove nothing more than ''a past prblm'' is provided u're not a lazy bum or the happy nerds whom r lost in life after tertiary education is over. Otherwise, u shld hav a successful career n a family by then.

Hmmm...isn't my views above correct? A levels not so impt ryte? HAHAHAH WRONG!!! I sucker u poor jabroni's who got taken for a ride. Hell NO!! A LEVELS is impt.....n like my previous posts....u had it comin.....U DINT DO MUCH.....Go Retake a levels....go MDIS....watever u wanna do...coz u blew it muahahaha....I sound like a jerk but I am..TO ALL NXT BATCH....U LOSE TIS BATTLE....U'RE GONE...PREPARE NOW....NO SLACKING.....NO BF/GF....unless u want pain in the ass prblms, mental stress n ur allowance n savings getting depleted.....CCA (join 1 ...quit the followin year....not like u can win any competitions wif the TOP 5 JCs lol)...sorry I wasn't refering to any specific CCA or JCs...GO FIGURE!!! so back to story if u opened n retrieve ur A level cert in 2020....all u're hav to urself is a depressed soul....why in the hell dint u naive when u were 18 .....keep thinking about wanting to enjoy ur teenage years & to be independent ryte? Serve YOU ryte......LISTEN HERE PPL....whether u wanna agree or disagree I realli dun give a damn....BASICALLY UR YOUTH IS SUPPOSED TO BE PURE HARDCORE MUGGING.....dun believe,.....take out ur Pink I.C n checked wat ctry u are born in...if its Singapore.......tts wat it supposed to be. Not happy?? Blame ur parents lor for u being born here...then blame everyone else as if u're the onli one the victim. Well I got a solution.for u. Why not u SHUT UP....GET ON WIF UR LIFE.....n LEARN TO LIVE WIF IT...N STOP WHINING! Life isn't fair so tts just TOO DAMN DAMN BAD!
In life there are casualties n it so happened tt u're one of it.....(oh now u're gonna cry n swear like I bother)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u getting too emo liao lor raf, calm down. never knew yr mind has so much of these tots.