Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Say No to Elitism!!!

Hello world!! Welcome to the 3rd post ever. Today lets talk abt something tt has irritate me recently. Elitism. Today we settle tis issue once & for all. So if u dunno wat elitism is n whether u're a victim...hopefully tis post will clear things up for ya

What is Elitism?

In the official MMM dictionary, Elitism is defined as anyone tt is in the upper class league of society with a considerable load of wealth n luxury. U still dun understand?? means got the cash got the money, got it easy life liddat in terms of materialistic wants n in the social class wif success in the intelligence department. The problem wif elitism are the elites dun even realise they elites. In S'pore elites can usually be found in the top 5 JCs or schs in the ''rankings''. Before u questioned me n say theres no more rankings wat....well theres no formal official ranking tt is. In the ''informal'' rankings which is termed the ''coffeeshop ranking'' or basically ranking based on wat u general population think is the best still exist wad. These ppl probably live in private housing....wif large amt of they can probably hire personal tutors for themselves.....had enuff wealth to party all nite long.....but in the day can still study smart....get gd results....can enter a top jc tt has a lot of ''luxurious'' facilites n everybody there probably go there by private transportation.

Why is there elitism?

Becoz some ppl are just too damn rich. Who ask em to be so rich? govt nvr tekan their money is it? I think in S'pore its just not fair to hav rich ppl arnd. Somethings wrg when someone had practically nvr take an SBS bus, ride on the MRT n step his foot in a wet market b4. This rich kids also nvr mixed arnd wif the heartland kids tt play soccer at the void deck or hang arnd or chat together near the coffee shop. Even if they do its wif their own kind n its at Starbucks & at proper sporting area. They also hardly noe S'pore still has lower income grp n tt 1 room flats still exist. Wat am I kidding!!! hav they actualli step their rich massaged foot into a HDB flat in their entire life? NOPE....Pls ah u elite craps out there u dunno how S'pore is like....u think money all fall down from sky....U guys dunno wat hardship is.....all perpetual all rounders ah. Yes unfortunately elite ppl are all rounders....they dominate everything from academics to Sports to Arts ...they dun give opportunity for average dudes to suceed. Why u ask? Coz they r in schs which are so much money from donation by rich parents.....can afford to hire the best tchers, trainers, offer the best course can win one wat in competitions. U think I'm whining n complainin? U go step ur elitist feet into a normal average neighbourhood sch tt nobody gives a damn....n u do the comparison wif UR elitist sch n the normal sch of the commoners. U so RICH u got aircon in every classroom...while tt average sch the fan also like goin to drop down anytime....IS tis FAIR???

So Wat is MY solution??

Remove the idea of Independent schs, autonomous sch, single sexed sch....totally. U want some schs independent then make all schs in entire S'pore independent....u wanna make some sch co-ed boys n girls then make all schs liddat.....dun give a damn abt the alumni n all the rubbish tradition of the sch....u ppl all so old n hav careers.....dun poke ur nose into tis generation education system. Let there be no distinction liddat....just like integrated prgm....why make some skip O's....let all skip O' to differentiate students so much. That is why there is elitism due to differentiation. Btw while we at it, I guess its better not to hav the schs in the Bukit Timah area to be so close like in a cluster. Bukit Timah is already well known for elitism...pls lah go move them to the middle of the heartlands like Woodlands, Yishun or the veri least can motivate the students from other schs there. Its also ridiculous a certain sch can actualli hav their own river.....u think wat u ppl can own anything is it....rubbish!!!

U may think I sound angry or wat but the fact is most of these ppl from the richer n well educated ppl, they end up becomin leaders n bosses or at the very least some mediacorp artists in the limelight. Nonetheless, if we dun stop elitist....we may get elitist leaders. ppl whom may not understand wat the other whole general population is facing wif higher cost of living n are the direct effect of inflation. Its impt tt they MUST noe tt not everyone is havin an easy life in little old S' pls elite ppl be more of a heartlander....abandon tt car, Mastercard, Starbucks, Condo n try to get used wif the SBS bus, the Kopitiam, $5 note n the HDB flat.....its better u understanding the plight of the population then splurge all u want.....n pls mixed wif the heartlander whom may onli hav an N-level qualification.

My personal view is tt shouldn't be overly rich ppl in S'pore coz I dun think its possible unless they do it the ''easy'' way if u noe wat I mean!!! tts it from me n pls lah readers go comment ( if there is any elitist reader outta there) I'm ready to be hantam anytime.

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