Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wats the point of having school holiday if U must go to school

U're not alone kid...I was in ur shoes....just last year!!!!

Hey, its the March school holidays, wat r u poor little boys n girls doing at home all gloomy in ur couch readin my knowledgeable blog?? Oh I see...u hav plenty of homeworks to do. Hmm....oh u guys also hav extra supplementary n remedial lessons too. Wat!!! U also hav tests these week. Oh I see .....I'm not surprised...though...since when has school holiday realli been holiday anyways. Its been like tis kids since years ago n its not gonna change anytime sooner so get used to it brats.

The word school holiday is no longer an attractive feat as it used to be many years ago back in simplistic 60s. While S'pore has prospered to almost developed status, that can be said much about our young ones. Afterall, all work n noe play makes Jack a dull boy. But here's the thing there's no Jack...there's Ah Seng, Ali n Bala onli. So it doesn't relate to us. School holiday in my 12+ years has always mean Extra Teaching Time or ETT. Tis us becoz teachers found it too rushed n too lack of time to pack watever things to be taught from the syllabus into the normal curriculum time hence depends on ''school holidays'' for lessons to be completed. Thank god, they cant touch public holidays...otherwise u can imagine everyone goin to school to study durin Chinese New Year n Christmas Day respectively.Well as much as I pity u poor young things, u gotta realised tt on curriculum time alone is not enough for ur academic excellence. In the afternoons, u got to hav CCA sessions to win for ur beloved school the gold medals n awards so that u're be an ''all rounded'' student n can win medals for S'pore in Youth Olympic games in 2010.

However a genius like myself always have solutions to offer to solve the misjustice of school holiday. Firstly, I recommend the abolishment of school holidays. Why is there school holiday if there's no need for one anyway. Instead replace it with it a free-for-all supplementary period. This systems works on a basis whereby any teacher has the freedom to book the entire day for his subject to be taught to the students. Let the students noe tt they HAVE NO breaks not even half an hour to go an eat coz education comes first no even food. Secondly why have school operating hours...dint they wanna emphasize lifelong learning...schools should be 24 is onli appropriate since Mcdonalds n fast food outlets are 24 hrs. Hence, there will be now worth of 16 hours of curriculum time n 7 hrs of Co-curricular time....with 1 hour for them to return to their homes to take shower n take a ''bite'' before returning to school lets say at 7am. Afterall, schools should be their one n onli home....ur own home shld be 2nd. Students n little kids dunnit much rest n sleep anyways, they are supposed to be slaves n machines to the education system. THirdly, I dun quite agree with the 5 days work week, I think strongly everyone should work 24/7 meaning 24 hrs ....7 days a week NON-STOP...since ppl like working so much, I'm sure teachers won't mind...n those students who survived until examination period will get 2 bonus points...parents who may wanna go holiday can just treat school like a child hotel n dump them there so tt they can go on their 2nd,3rd, 4th,5th etc honeymoon n help improve S'pore's low birth rates n carry out tis process yearly. Remember kids dun need rest....they supposed to be resistant. May the best child survived non-stop in the education field until he reaches tertiary education. No such thing as school holiday hor!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

still a need for sch hols.even if still need go sch, at least its more lax,rather den chiong all the way